Anarchist naturism, naturist anarchism or anarcho-naturism is the union of anarchist and naturist philosophies. Mainly it had importance within individualist anarchist circles in Spain and Portugal. Important influences were Henry David Thoreau. Anarcho-naturism advocated vegetarianism, free love, nudism and an ecological world view within anarchist groups and outside them. In France Elisee Reclus is an important early reference point. Naturism develops in France and Reclus is an important propagandist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Reclus advocated nudism and vegetarianism. In his book Man and Earth he calls for recuperating the practice of nudism of ancient greece Among the Sons of Freedom, there was a doctrinal justification for nudity (that human skin, as God's creation, was more perfect than clothes, the imperfect work of human hands), but the public nudity has generally been interpreted as a form of protest against the materialist tendencies of society. Leo Tolstoy, who arranged for the royalties from his novel Resurrection, his story Father Sergei, and some others, to go to the migration fund. He also raised money from wealthy friends. In the end, his efforts provided half of the immigration fund, about 30,000 rubles. Peter Kropotkin also helped the migrants. France In France after the work of the anarchist gegrapher Elisee Reclus, there started to develop a naturist current within individualist anarchist circles. Emile Gravelle starts publishing in 1894 the journal L'Etat Naturel Later between 1895 and 1898 Gravelle and Henri Beaulieu publish together La Nouvelle Humanité. As theoretical documents of french anarcho-naturism we can consider "En Conquête de l'état naturel" and "Voyage au beau pays de Naturie" by Zisly or "Naturist Doctrine" by Emile Gravelle (which will be published in the spanish individualist anarchist journal La Revista Blanca in 1903). Here Gravelle will manifest "The human being is so perfectly constituted and so well provided by the prodigiality of the earth, free of material cares, he doesn´t have aspirations but towards happiness. And he can desire it with the guarantee of possessing it and of feeling it constantly as long as he doesn´t separate from the adequate milieu that Nature has put him in.". In the First Vegetarianist Congress of the Iberian Peninsula, the anarchist Gonçalvez Correia presented the dissertation "Naturism and communism: a sacred alliance"<ref name="portugal"/>. Influence and legacy in more contemporary currents In the transition to parlamentary democracy in Spain, along with the legalization of the anarchist labor union the CNT and the appearance of CGT, anarcho-naturism reappears with groups such as Colectivo Naturismo y Ecología which is close to the infoshop Ateneo Libertario Carabanchel of Madrid<ref name="naturismolibertario"/>. Later naturism will also have left its legacy in the new green anarchist currents which engage in veganism, animal rights activism and recently in the influence that american anarcho-primitivism started to have in spanish and french green anarchist individuals<ref name="naturismolibertario"/>.