Anal Biswas (Politician)

Anal Biswas is an Indian politician from West Bengal of the Bharatiya Janata Party. He has been a State Leader and State Executive Member of B.J.P. W.B. unit. He was the candidate of the BJP in the West Bengal Vidhan Sabha Elections 2016 from Ranaghat Uttar Paschim Constituency.
Personal life
He was born in Birnagar city in Nadia district. His schooling was done from Birnagar High School and higher education from Jadavpur University.
Political career
He joined B.J.P. during the early 2000s when the influence of the party was negligible. He aquired a strong position in the party of a State Leader.
During a National meeting at BJP Delhi HQs, Biswas was found taking a nap. He said he works a lot and goes to sleep late night at 2 am. So, he may have mistakenly slept for a while.
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