An Untitled Story: Extension Project

An Untitled Story: Extension Project (AUS EP for short) is a freeware extension to Matt Thorson's An Untitled Story, being made by the Matt Makes Games Forum Community. It was started by a member named FinalBoss after the AUS Source File was released in 2009.
The project involves expanding the AUS world with a second map to the right of the original. The final product will be more than twice the size of the original.
The origins of this extension project originate from when one member named MorEvilREIKEN (along with a member named Arkatox (along with a member named AUS)) began creating a few fake screenshots of An Untitled Story, along with a fake map. After a while, he also began copy-catting the graphical styles and made one stage design, named by him "Over The Edge". This, combined with an update in AUS with new stages created an explosion in speculation as to new ideas, and an incredible number of stage ideas, power up speculation, boss documents, etc to be created by other members. This led to the AUS Speculation Club being formed (now since gone). This in turn, along with the recent banning of some more controversial members (but as many will attest, hilarious), caused a few notable new members to show up to also contribute ideas (eg Maple and FinalBoss). Briefly after these events, one member named Maple began to edit the BlackCastle backgrounds completely into a stage called SkyMetal. He then proceeded to decompile the source code to add in a "pumpkin bird mod". When it became obvious that Maple had decompiled the game, there was some slight controversy as to what YMM's (Matt, the creator) reaction would be, until he came out and officially said he didn't mind the AUS source being decompiled. Maple, was still afraid to post a link to the source, so another member known as willycando (joined on 2009-02-23, he had previously been inactive, but had recently become much more active towards the end of May that year, of which 142 of his 146 posts (as of 2009-02-19) have been made after, as well as eight topics, accumulating 124 posts altogether, an average of 15.5 posts per topic (if using the mean to average said data)), also decompiled it and began privately distributing it through the PM system. Eventually, FinalBoss decided to officially begin a project to incorporate all of the previously speculated ideas in one enormous project now known as AUS:EP.
Another notable member named retrogamer joined the project when he finally realized that YMM had given approval to the project, and has become a very productive member since. YMM has recently created a new child board to more easily track the progress of AUS:EP, along with releasing the source officially. FB and retrogamer are both local mods to this wonderful child board. MER and Arkatox, two of the orginal speculators are now much more inactive, but they still contribute every now and then. Maple, one of the original staff has become seemingly inactive however.
More points of mention - many of willycando's real life friends appear to have joined due to this project being formed. Many old members previously inactive have also become much more active, such as Kilo, the major soundtrack producer.
The story for AUS EP is still being worked on, although the beginning is the same as the original AUS's, with the minor difference that the character, Byrd, can talk, and has to return to the nest frequently to feed his sisters.
In some games, the Final Boss returns, but in AUS: EP, this will not happen. After the Final Boss is defeated, the pink bird (originally named Kurstyn, the voice actor for her, by a member named Frenchies222, more recently dubbed: "Greeny" by a member named Arkatox, and later rebelled against by a member named Kilo, who wants to call her "Pinkioptoe") finishes her boat, and sails across the ocean at the end of LongBeach.
Release Date
The release date is as of yet unknown, although it's estimated to come out sometime from 2010 to 2012.
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