Amilton of Christ

Amilton of Christ (born 19 February 1978) is a Brazilian evangelical pastor, author, televangelist,who also has a degree in Psychology. He is the leader of the pentecostal church Assembly of God. Amilton tembem is training in theology from the Evangelical School of Theology "Seminar Kingdom", and the School of Theological Education in the State of São Paulo (Fatebom). He received a doctorate in Theology, Christian Philosophy and an honorary doctorate in Theology, and Master of Theology Science received through the [Federación Española de Evangelical Religious Entities (feeder)] in Madrid, Spain.
Thousands of copies of Christian books by Amilton were sold, and more than 20 titles published in over 10 languages. Titles include O Verdadeiro Avivamento and Livro da Autobiografia de Amilton, both of which sold nearly a million copies in Brazil.
Amilton held evangelical crusades that gathered more than a million people.
Amilton has been criticized, especially after surgery on a spiritual Perform faithful where a Ranha left the head of a woman e seus ensinamentos sobre curas divinas tithe e ofertas, que muitos dizem ser a exploração dos seguidores.
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