America Hoffman

America Hoffman is the son of Abbie and Anita Hoffman. His parents named him "america" with a deliberately lowercase "a". America later took the name Alan for himself.
America recounts his final visit to his father as an occasion which Abbie Hoffman had led him to believe would be a fun vacation, but which turned out to be a press conference promoting a political cause.
In September 2000, Alan Hoffman filed suit against Lion's Gate Films in an attempt to block further distribution of the film Steal This Movie, a fictionalized biographical film of the life of his parents. In the suit Hoffman accused the filmmakers of invasion of privacy and presenting an "unauthorized, false and uncomplimentary portrayal" of him as a child. He claimed that he was portrayed as "a wimpy, quiet, sulking and effeminate 'mama's boy,'" and accused filmmakers of implying he "may be a homosexual." He later dropped the suit and retracted his claims against the filmmakers, stating "I understand that the filmmaker's characterization of me and my relationship to my father was made in good faith and with honorable intentions."
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