
Alpha7 is a cloud technology company headquartered in Singapore. It is a business cloud enabler for clients, including listed companies, enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises spanning various industries in the Asia-Pacific region.
It was founded in January 2014, in Singapore.
Products and services
In January 2015, Alpha7 launched “COOaaS” (Chief Operating Officer as a Service) concept, intended to provide the services of a chief operating officer (COO) on an outsourced, retainer, or project basis. Alpha7 currently works with over 25 companies, whose applications are offered on the COOaaS platform.
In May 2015, Alpha7 launched iMap, a system for recommending the right tools to business owners to help them with their day-to-day operations. iMap recommends technology tools, solutions, and services based on the businesses available budget. These are across marketing, sales, business operations, finance, and human resources. Business owners receive advice on which of these five areas they need to focus on. iMap targets small and medium enterprises with fewer than 1,000 employees.
In September 2015, it launched A7 AppsConnect and A7 BizConnect. A7 AppsConnect offers companies access to applications focused on key business functions such as marketing, sales, operations, finance and human resources. Applications offered include SugarCRM, vTiger, Dolibarr, Drupal, Quickbooks and Eventbrite. A7 BizConnect is an advisory tool which reviews a businesses front and back-end business processes, recommending business outcomes aimed at delivering productivity and growth, based on available budgets.
Alpha7 also provides cloud advisory consultancy services for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups.
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