Alpha Wolf (film)

Alpha Wolf is a 2018 horror film directed by film-maker and comic book artist/writer Kevin VanHook. As of December, 2017, the film was classified as being in post-production.
Plot synopsis
When Virginia and her husband Jack spend a long weekend in the idyllic countryside, they encounter a creature that tears their lives apart. While the attack has an effect on each of them, it brings out the worst in Jack.
"Her Husband was an animal."
* Casper Van Dien ... Jack
* Jennifer Wenger ... Virginia
* Patrick Muldoon ... Reed
* Tyler Gallant ... Larry Human
* Robert Mukes ... John Carradine
* James Preston Rogers ... Sheriff Carradine
* Connor Garelick ... Dorian
* Raquel Woodruff ... Ashley
* Shane Allen ... Doc Howard
* Mike Gilliland ... Red Summers
* Larry Poole ... Neck Bodine
* Dirk Ellis ... The Werewolf
* Titus ... Larry Dog
* Barney Burman Werewolf Makeup FX
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