Alice Sweet Alice

Alice Sweet Alice (ASA) is a music group who's sound has been described as Darkwave, Gothic, Ambient, Wall-Of-Noise. ASA is based in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine in the United States of America. The name Alice Sweet Alice was inspired by the film "Alice, Sweet Alice".

ASA was born as a side project of Scott Martinez in the late 1990's. All of Scott's previous music in bands and recording was done on the West Coast, Playing bass for other groups as well as singing backup vocals in the San Francisco bay area. Most notably Scott released a 9-song LP with Autumn Cathedral, and shared the bill with such acts as Fields of the Nephilim, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, The Posies, Diatribe and Neurosis. ASA's Scott Martinez founded the music label Cauldron Soundwerx, specifically to release ASA's music, but also to work with other bands.

ASA's music and lyrical content leans towards the macabre, though sometimes inwardly so. Each track is a vignette of its' own—a small story—and if listened to carefully, often possesses a sense of dark, dry humor. Subject matter is very diverse, and there is no musical formula. Each song is individualistic in tone and structure. The songs write themselves, and truly have their own personalities.

ASA was founded in 2007, and released their first 7-song EP "Kikazaru" shortly thereafter. ASA is one of the first bands of the 21st century to re-embrace the discarded Vinyl medium in favor of it's praised sonic enhancements.
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