Alex Quartararo

Alex Quartararo (callsign "Crashdown") is a fictional character in the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series, portrayed by Sam Witwer. His real name, while not given in the series, is Alex Quartararo.
Character biography
Crashdown is a refugee from the Battlestar Triton who begins serving as on the after she leaves Karl "Helo" Agathon on Caprica. He resents the fact Valerii seems to compare him unfavorably to Agathon. Over time, their antagonism matures into a more good-natured teasing.
Crashdown is involved in a romantic relationship with Ensign Davis, a junior officer on the Galactica.
Crashdown is a member of a three-Raptor survey party sent to examine the planet Kobol. The Cylons destroy one Raptor above Kobol and severely damage the one carrying Crashdown; the third escapes back to Galactica. The pilot of Crashdown's Raptor is killed; he crash-lands the ship on the planet's surface. Crashdown takes charge of the survivors as they await rescue, but in the stress of the situation makes several bad decisions, resulting in the death of two of his men.
The survivors learn Cylon Centurions are planning to shoot down their rescue ship. Crashdown organizes a counterattack, but bungles the planning, and his squad loses faith in him. This, combined with the stress he is under, cause him to become increasingly hostile and unstable. When the time comes to attack the Cylons, the team is convinced they're heading into a suicide mission. Chief Tyrol openly refuses Crashdown's orders, and Cally is too scared to move. Crashdown snaps and threatens to execute Cally unless she follows orders. Dr. Baltar saves her life by shooting Crashdown in the back, killing him. Upon being rescued, Baltar claims Crashdown died leading the charge into battle and should be honored as a hero.
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