Alejandro Correa Rueda

Victor Alejandro Correa (born 1959 in Santiago, Chile). Is a Chilean Biologist.
Correa is an expert Consultant who was educated at several universities: University of Chile, Chile. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and graduated as a Llicenciat en Biologia at the Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Is member of Faculty of 1000 in 2011.
Projects contribution
Project work at the Laboratory of Plant Biology, University of Chile and also a researcher of Ornithology, and Project Manager associated with the Museum of Zoology Barcelona, Spain and Omora Ethnobotanical Park . He currently serves as a consultant for private, public and Judiciary sector in Chile.
He has contributed at the biology with several publications scientific manuscripts in national and international reputation and a book on the evolution of Tapaculos birds entitled: Biological similarities between Chilean Tapaculos. Paperback(1) describing the biology and evolution of the family Rhinocryptidae(2) in Chile, through innovative mathematical analysis and concluding that the limited capacity of flight of these birds is mainly because their lineage is primitive(3) and these family of undergrowth-dwelling birds are specialist in habitat use.
Publications in Science Journals
* Diet of the chucao (Scelorchilus rubecula), a terrestrial passerine endemic to the temperate rain forest of austral South America. Correa, A.& JJ. Armesto, R. Schlatter, R. Rozzi, JC. Torres-Mura. Rev. Chilena de Historia Natural, 1990, 63:197-202.(4)
* Behaviour observations in S. rubecula (Rhinocryptidae) in breeding season. Correa, A. Not. Mens., Mus. Nac. de His. Nat. Chile. Santiago, Chile. 1999., Vol. Nº 339: 13-16.
* Observations on the reproduction of three Tapaculos in the temperate rain forest of Chiloé, Chile. Correa, A & J. Figueroa. Bol. Chil. de Ornit. 2001, Vol. Nº 8: 18-21.
* Observation of aggressiveness and territoriality among species of Rhinocryptidae in a rain forest fragment in southern Chile. Correa, A & J. Figueroa. Neotropical Ornithology . 2003, Nº 14: 121-125.
* Notes sobre la dentició de Semycossyphus maculatus (Pejeperro, Pérez Canto 1886). Correa, A. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural número 75. Any 2009: 157-158.(5)
*Correa, Victor Alejandro (2009), Biological similarities between Chilean Tapaculos. Zugl.: is a dissertation. Submit in Nature Precedings (Nature), USA: (2008). Impressum/Imprint (nur für Deutschland/only for Germany) Publisher VDM Verlag.Printed in the USA. Printed in the UK. All right reserved Saarbrücken.
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