Alberto Sabino

Alberto Sabino (born July 2, 1952) is a Brazilian jewelry designer and photographer. He is a member of the board of directors of the Zuzu Angel Institute.
Personal life
Alberto Sabino, born on July 2, 1952 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, moved to Rio de Janeiro shortly after his birth. He obtained a postgraduate degree in economics. He has lived in Düsseldorf, München, Cascais and New York.
In 1980, Sabino was working at the Chase Manhattan Bank in Rio de Janeiro when he decided to move to Germany. He traveled throughout Europe, from Greece to Norway, to experience the different cultures and landscapes. These travels would later provide sources for inspiration to his designs.
After a year living in Europe, Sabino went back to Rio de Janeiro to start a fashion jewelry business with his family. The Brazilian soap opera writer, Gilberto Braga, wrote Brilhante, a story about a jewelry designer, Luisa, played by Vera Fischer. Alberto Sabino used to go to Rede Globo Studios at Usina, to teach Vera Fischer about jewelry and to build the set for Luisa's atelier.
Sabino's collections were presented at official fashion shows in Rio de Janeiro and sold all over the country and abroad. In the beginning of the 1990s, Sabino decided to move to Europe to try a new market for the business, living in Portugal with his Tania, but distance did not improve the relationship. Tania wanted Alberto to rent a Quinta in Sintra and begin a new life as a writer. They finally decided to live in Cascais and traveled often. Sabino made his first trip to China and Hong-Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Bali and other countries.
In 1996 the first Official Alberto Sabino Collection was introduced to the press.
Alberto Sabino is a jewelry designer, specializing in accessories and jewelry, from necklaces and bracelets to rings and hand-embroidered slip-on sandals. His jewelry has been worn by Kim Cattrall from Sex and the City. His designs have been auctioned at the Miami City Ballet and New World Symphony Orchestra Gala Auction<ref name="JB"/> and the Queen Mary 2 Gala Auction.<ref name="Qik"/>
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