Akram Pedramnia

Akram Pedramnia () (February 17, 1969) is an Iranian-Canadian freelance journalist, writer, translator, researcher, activist, and Medical Doctor. She has resided in Canada since 1998 when she had emigrated from Iran. She has written, researched, and translated many English novels and political articles.
Born and raised in working class family in Kashan, Pedramnia studied English Literacy at the University of Tehran. She then went to Iran University of Medical Sciences, finished her Thesis in 1998 titled "The Knowledge Of Medical Workers of Health Psychology", and received her Medical Degree.
She is currently writing and translating about a variety of matters, including novels, politics, and social issues. Pedramnia has also frequently written for international Iranian newspapers and websites.
Reading Psychology - Ghatreh Publishing House
Adolescent Psychology - Ghatreh Publishing House
Failed States* - Noam Chomsky - Ofoq Publication
Gilgamesh* - Joan London - Ofoq Publication
Tender Is the Night* - F. Scott Fitzgerald - Ghatreh Publishing House
Clara Callan* - Richard B. Wright - Afraz Books
Love You Forever* - Robert Munsch - Negarineh Books
50 Below Zero* - Robert Munsch - Negarineh Books
Jonathan Cleaned Up And Then He Heard A Sound* - Robert Munsch - Negarineh Books

<p style="font-size:90%">* An asterisk indicates that the work has been translated.

Akram Pedramnia has expressed in more than dozens of articles her severe criticism of (e.g. War in Afghanistan, Iraq War, and the possibility of attack in Iran by USA during the Bush Administration). In an open letter sent to intelluctals and the people of Iran, Pedramnia has stated that unity is a must, and has spoken against the possible attack that was proposed by the Bush Administration.
She is also a Women's rights activist, and heavily criticizes Iranian censorship that opposes the freedom of writers and artists.
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