Akash op aurora

Akash OP Aurora is a Technology Entrepreneur based in Los Angeles.
Akash is a Die Hard entrepreneur who at the age of 22, dropped out of college to pursue entrepreneurship and founded Mercury Innotech (in jv with Innotech Corporation, Canada) - building search engines for large databases on CD-Rom’s.
In 1995, Akash started netlink which was one of the first digital agencies in India. It grew to become a formidable player in the digital and interactive space in India and Middle East.
In 1999 he advised the Government of Dubai on technology, which led to the formation of the Dubai Internet City (Silicon Valley of the Middle East) and out of Dubai built the most successful digital agency in the Middle East - netlinkblue.
In 2008 netlinkblue acquired digital rights of the and set-up the most successful live sports experience in the world, which (in partnership with Microsoft) at its peak had over 200 million subscribers watching live video stream of IPL cricket game on the Internet.
Akash's friends and business partners includes bollywood start Shah Rukh Khan and actress Preity Zinta with whom he also produced a Hindi movie ISHKQ in PARIS.
Akash has attended OPM (Owners Presidents Management Program) and MNDP (Managing Negotiations & Decision Making Process) programs at Harvard Business School and his successes as an entrepreneur have been noted by the BBC (), Arabian Business and Entrepreneur Magazine.
Today, Akash leads ideaTree as the Chief Visionary, Executor & Mentor where he mentors future entrepreneurs, executing new ways of building disruptive startup’s hands on, besides running some of the startup’s personally including ePaisa a SaaS based point of sale, Voodle besides others.
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