Aimy in a Cage (also known as Amy in a Cage) is an upcoming 2014 thriller film that will be directed by Hooroo Jackson. The film has a projected release date of September 6, 2014 and will star Allisyn Ashley Arm as the lead character of Aimy. Synopsis Aimy is a young teenager living in a world where a plague is slowly spreading throughout the world. Any teenagers that rebel against the system are given Wolworth Surgery, which changes them into controllable model citizens. Aimy must find a way to avoid getting this surgery herself and stay alive through the plague, which is made more difficult by her family's obliviousness. Cast *Crispin Glover as Claude Bohringer *Paz de la Huerta as Caroline *Terry Moore as Grandma Micry *Allisyn Ashley Arm as Aimy Micry *Frank Mosley as News Anchor *Sam Quartin as Dr. Issie *Theodore Bouloukos as Gruzzlebird Micry *Nicholas M. Goroff as #2 *Charles Everett Tacker as Kenneth *Michael William Hunter as Steve *Sara Murphy as Kelly Moss *Maria Deasy as Jackie Moss *Rick Montgomery Jr. as Commander Lopchocks *Edmund Resendes as Plague Victim *Gabby Tary as Grandma Moss