Aida Hanemayer (Lisenkova)

Aida Hanemayer (Lisenkova) ( (born 5 June 1966), is a Russian painter.
Aida Hanemayer (creative pseudonym AIDA) was born in Assab in Eritrea, where her parents worked. She graduated from the Moscow State University of Printing Arts, Faculty of Artistic and Technical Design of Printed Products.
Since 1990, she has participated in more than 80 exhibitions, including in many museums, galleries, state and municipal organizations in Russia and abroad.
She worked in many publishing houses (about 100), having published a large number of books as an illustrator. The international journal of Russian abroad "B. V."- Chief artist of the journal, publishing house "Karapuz", magazines "Ethnopolis", "The Edge of Success", "Russian-British Department".
Works of Aida Hanemayer are in collections of twelve museums of Russia, foreign museums and in private collections. Among them are the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts; the Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art; Balmont Museum, Shuya; Literary and Art Museum of M. and A. Tsvetaev, Alexandrov, Vladimir region, Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts named after Ilya Mashkov, Ivanovo Museum of the Tsvetaev family and the Portrait Museum, Moscow.
* The Order "For Contribution to Education" (April 23, 2007, No. 7) was issued by a decree of the Council for Public Awards of the Russian Heraldic Chamber for creating a complete series of artwork in places related to life in Russia by sisters Marina and Anastasia Tsvetayev
* The commemorative medal "A.P. Chekhov 1860-1904" (December 3, 2010) - by the decision of the award commission of the Moscow organization of the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Writers-Translators for the creation of the highly artistic portrait of Anton Chekhov and Olga Knipper .
* The commemorative medal "Y. Gagarin in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first flight into space" (2011) for writing the portrait of Y. A. Gagarin "Dove Noah".
* Commemorative Medal "M. Lomonosov's 300th Anniversary" (2012) for the creation of the portrait of "Mikhail Lomonosov".
* Medal "For Active Citizenship and Patriotism" - by the Union of State Security Veterans, Awarded the Order "Honor and Glory to Great Russia" by the Committee for Public Awards, Moscow 2015
* Honorary medal "Mentor of the youth" - the All-Russian public organization of Heroes, Cavaliers of State awards and Laureates of State awards "Labor valor of Russia" 2017
* Gold medal of the competition AEA-2018 (autumn) in the category "Painting" for the painting "Portrait of a daughter"
* Silver medal of the competition AEA-2018 (autumn) in the nomination "Graphics" for the graphic work "Anastasia Tsvetaeva"
* Diploma of the Moscow Regional Duma.
* Certificate of Honor of the Madonna of the XXI Century Foundation.
* Diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region for fruitful creative activity, high professionalism and contribution to the popularization of the national military-historical heritage.
* Diploma of the medalist (II place) of the Seventh Competition "Watercolor of the Year".
* Winner of the Diploma of the International Academy Ferroni 2005.
* Winner of the competition for the Prize of the Governor of the Moscow region 2018
* Winner of the All-Russian Art Contest "Madonna 21st Century" 2015
* Awarded the Honorary Diploma - "The Best Representative of Russian Business Women" in the field of art, VIII All-Russian Competition "Success" 2012
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