Agape Baptist Church

Agape Baptist Church, Singapore was founded by Southern Baptist Missionary, Lillie Rogers in 1984. Dr Danny Chia was the first pastor of the church. In 1990, Rev Guna Raman who was a founder member of the church took over as the pastor. It was the beginning of a renewal movement in the church. Extraordinary healings began to take place and people with emotional hang-ups and setbacks began to find healing for their souls. Overtime the church became known as "an oasis of healing."

In 1997, the church moved to its current premise at No. 1 Dorset Road and the Lord laid upon the heart of the church to pastor not just the church but also the community in which the church has been placed. For the last ten years, Agape has ceaselessly impacted and influence the Pek Kio community in Singapore, bringing down invisible walls between church and community.

In 2008, the church felt a strong call to develop the discipleship arm of the church. Agape aims not just to be a community-taking church but a disciple-making church. Rising on the two wings of community-taking and disciple-making, the church seeks to reach seekers as well as build believers into Christlikeness.

Agape is deeply involved in the LoveSingapore unity movement in Singapore.
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