Addition of prime numbers

Prime numbers may be added together. The addition of prime numbers may start at any point, and end at any point. This article starts with 1 then 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 and so on. There is also 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 etc., but we shall leave this set alone for now.
The addition of prime numbers can not end with an infinite prime number, nor can an infinite prime number be added to a finite prime number or finite set of prime numbers. If an infinite prime number is summed to a finite prime number, then the infinite prime number invalidates itself.
Let an addition of prime numbers or a single prime number be given to a smaller number than an infinity of numbers. Then that infinity plus that finite number equals an infinity larger than either of the two numbers. If that larger infinity makes a prime with either of the two numbers added, then that second infinite number makes a prime number. Therefore the second infinite number and the finite prime or finite sum of primes numbers makes an addition of prime numbers. Then a third prime number may found by either being a larger number than the second prime number, and prime, or by finding a number greater than that number that is infinite and also prime. This goes on forever.
Lets say the first infinite number plus the second and greater infinite number are both not prime. Then let the first non prime number be added to itself. Then those two infinite, equal, non prime numbers when added together make a prime number equal to two times the non prime, infinite but equal numbers.
This may come about no matter how the infinite numbers are selected.
Therefore the prime numbers are selected from finite prime numbers.
Therefore God could not make the added prime numbers stretch to infinity. Therefore an alien or us can never do the same. No one can ever find the largest prime number.
x = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 … any prime number not infinite in value.
x = lowest prime number below infinity + … higher prime numbers … + highest prime number below infinity.
x = a prime number below infinity + the next prime number below infinity.
x = a prime number below infinity.
A single prime number has never before been shown to be less than infinity. There is no such prime number or number of prime numbers as large as infinity.
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