Quran miracle

The information in this article deals with verse numbers and chapter numbers which are clearly a part of the Quran’s structure. The article has to be read along with the excel workbook link shown at the bottom in External links sections.
In the excel worksheet Sheet 1 column A lists the chapter numbers in the quran serially. There are 114 chapters in total. Column B shows the number of verses of each chapter. At the bottom most cell of column A the number 6555 comes by adding 1 to 114 (1+2+3+………..114).And the bottom most cell of column B, the number 6236 is the sum of verses of each chapter from chapter 1 to chapter 114 (7+286+200+………4+5+6).
Next is column C. This column lists the sum of the chapter numbers and number of verses of each chapter. Like for Chapter 1, the chapter number 1+ the number of verses 7= 8. Like this we repeat for all 114 chapters. The bottom most cell of column C gives us the sum of all the cells in C and that is 12791 which is of course equal to 6555+6236.
The column D lists those cells in column C which are even, and column E lists those cells which are odd in column C. For example the sum of chapter 1 and its verses 7 is even, so this number 8 (even) goes to column D.
Now if we add the cells in column D we get in the bottom most cell of column D 6236 which is equal to the total number of verses!!!
And of course the summation of column E cells will give us 6555 which is equal to number of chapters summed together.
Now this part is more exciting but will require some time. We will now discuss columns G, H, I, J.
Column G shows the number of verses of those chapters which give an even number of (chapter+verse). Column H shows the number of verses of those chapters which give an odd number of (chapter+verse).
Column I shows the chapter number of those chapters which give an odd number of (chapter+verse). Column J shows the chapter number of those chapters which give an even number of (chapter +verse)
Now if we add the cells in all the cells of Column G, H, I and J we get the number at the bottom most cell of the related column.
Column G Total2933, Column H total 3303, Column I Total3253, Column J 3303.
We see that column G total of 3303 (sum of verses of those chapters that give even (chapter+verse) is equal to column J total of 3303 (sum of chapter numbers of those chapters that give even (chapter +verse)!!!!!!!

And of course the other columns H, I should be different as total verses 6236 differs from sum of chapter numbers 6555.
Now we move to sheet 2 in excel. We see that column D shows those chapters that have even number of verses and column E shows those chapters that have odd number of verses. We find that there are 60 chapters with even number of verses and there are 54 chapters with odd number of verses.
60 Chapters whose total number of verses is an even number fall into two categories: 30 Chapters have an even chapter number, while the other 30 have an odd chapter number. As for the 54 Chapters whose total number of verses is an odd number, 27 of them have an even chapter number, and the other 27 have an odd chapter number. These numbers can be found in the bottom most cells of H, I, J, K, L, M columns.

Now one may ask why the book is divided in 60 even verse chapters, and 54 odd verse chapters. If we break the law of addition (n*(n+1)/2) of the chapter numbers (114) into two parts 60/114 and 54/114 we get 3450 and 3105. Column F lists the chapter number of even numbered verses and Column G lists the chapter number of odd numbered verses. If we take the sum of column F cells and column G cells we find that column F gives us 3450 and column G gives us 3105 in the bottom most cells of each column, thus following the summation formula!!!!!!
Now let’s move to the last sheet 3. Column C cells show the summation of verses in each chapter. Like Chapter 1 has 7 verses so its sum is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28. And the sum of all these cells is 333667 listed in the bottom most cell of column C.
If we divide this number 333667 by 6555 (summation of chapter numbers) we get a quotient of 50 and remainder of 5917. The mean of 6555 and remainder 5917 is 6236 which is equal to total verses in quran!!!!!!!

Another interesting fact is that if we separate the numbers in 333667 and multiply them;
3*3+3*3+3*6+6*6+6*7=114, we get 114 which is equal to number of chapters in quran.
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