Accredited life experience degree

Worth of Life Experience Degrees
Much has been said, written and debated about the authenticity and genuine nature of life experience degrees and the universities and institutes that provide them to students who enrol in different degree programs and courses. It is, however, important to state and understand here that life experience degrees despite of all their adverse marketing that is done on different forums and platforms are something that need to be dealt with some seriousness because of the massive scale of advantage and benefits that they provide to students from all around the world.
The Scam Part
There remains no doubt in acknowledging the fact that indeed many of the universities that claim of providing genuine and bonafide life experience degrees to students who approach them are indeed fake, non-accredited and cannot help a student in achieving any of his motives or objectives for which he acquires the degree in the first place. Nearly, all online businesses that are involved with the selling of any particular commodity involve a certain degree of illicit or immoral means since both parties are able to take advantage of any physical presence of the other. However, in the case of life experience the gravity of the situation gets further aggravated since this is concerned with the life and career of a student and he overwhelmingly relies on the value and the worth that he anticipates after getting this degree. Hence, the presence or detection of any scam in the case of any life experience degree or any other degree for that matter needs to be reported, investigated and tracked down since it is related to the future of students in the long run.
How Does Life Experience Degree Work
In order to further understand the depth and analyse the situation through which students either fall victim of such scams and fake life experience degrees is mainly because of their lack of proper knowledge about the ways through which they can enrol in different courses and programs that provide them with life experience degrees and the ways through which they can easily attain these degrees without wasting their money on a scam money service or getting a degree that is merely a piece of worthless paper for the student and nothing else. Hence, proper and reputed educational consultants always hold the advice that before enrolling in any such service or falling in their net it is important that students conduct proper research of the different services that provide them with such service in the name of life experience degree and then choose the service of a university or college that has the most positive reviews about their academic background, faculty as well as other pre-requisites. In this context it is also important to have an understanding regarding the different dynamics of life experience degrees and the ways through which they are provided. One of the most common questions that students often ask is whether they can get life experience degrees merely on the basis of some experience. The answer is definitely in affirmative, but at the same time the application of this criterion is applied on a limited scope. Most of the universities that provide life experience degree to students have established eligibility criteria of limiting the student to at least have 30 hours of credit to his name in the college or university that he may have previously enrolled in. Only on the basis and presence of these credit hours does the student become eligible and worthy to enrol in for a course through which he can easily get a life experience degree from the college or university that he intends to get it from. It is also important to state here that the greater and higher the reputation of the university or institute offering life experience degree, the greater is the worth of the number of credit hours that they provide to students before providing them with the degree and in the subject that the individual wants to have it in.
Assessment for Life Experience Degree
In this dimension it is also important to state here that some colleges have also outlined other eligibility criteria through which they shortlist candidates that need to be provided with life experience degree. Some of these institutes that have tried to restructure and design this process in a novel manner are Thomas Edison State College and Excelsior College. The special feature about the enrolment process of these two colleges regarding life experience degree is that they have solely relied and shifted their process of providing students with these degrees on the basis of assessment tests that they have made for students coming to them with the intent of enrolling in different life experience degree programs and courses. It is on the basis of the evaluation results that they get through which they decide which candidate is worthy and who isn’t deserving enough to get the degree that they want.
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