Abdur Rahim Malazadeh

Abdur Rahim Malazadeh , better known by his pen name "Abu al-Muntasir al-Balushi", is an Iranian writer and advocacy activist opposed to the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tehran. He was born in Sistan, Iran, in 1957. Malazadeh belongs to a Sunni Iranian family of political importance due to its being a Sunni authority in Iran. Moreover, one of its members, Abdul Aziz Malazadeh, brother of Abdur Rahim Malazadeh, obtained a seat in the assembly of experts as the Public Prosecutor of the Sunnis in Iran following the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 AD. Malazadeh established the Sunni Association in Iran a year after the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and although at the beginning of the revolution he was a supporter of Khomeini and a follower of the approach of the Islamic revolution, he changed his position on the Iranian regime after drafting the constitution, which Malazadeh saw as a constitution based on sectarian foundations that contradict the principles of Islam and destroy the spirit of brotherhood between the various Islamic sects.
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