
The Abbeymount estate is a 20,000 acre rural estate in east Lancashire, England. The estate has been the homestead of the Hammonds family for over 700 years (21 generations) and is estimated to be worth around £400million.
The estate, to this day is owned and managed by the Hammonds family and an army of 245 staff and tenant farmers.
The focal point of the estate is the 300 year old, 13 bedroomed manor house, set in extensive formal Victorian gardens and within an ancient moat system.
During its existence the estate has been central to many events in the history of the nation. The estate maintains an extremely guarded connection with the current royal family and the sovereign and in 1399 at the establishment of the Duchy of Lancaster estate provided King Edward the 3rd and his son Edmund with knowledgeable staff and agricultural labourers to aid them in their venture.
The estate was handed down by the Late Viscount Edward Hewitt Hammonds to his son and heir, The Rt Hon Viscount Lewis Hewitt Hammonds in 2004. Since the change in ownership, Viscount Lewis has ploughed over £150million of investment into renovating the estate's many ageing properties and repairing and replacing the estate's dry-stone boundaries.
Viscount Lewis has purchased an additional 9,000 acres of arable land since his succession, leaving the estate's current jurisdiction at of 28,000 acres and comprising of over 82 Tenant Farmed Farmsteads.
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