AB 2062

A.B. No. 2062 is a bill introduced by Assemblyman Kevin de León in the California State Assembly on 19 February 2008, and has since undergone review and amendments, and passed vote, in the California Assembly Committee on Public safety, the Assembly Committee on Appropriations, on the Assembly Floor, and in the State Senate Committee on Public safety. It is now under review in the State Senate Committee on Appropriations. Taking effect on 1 July 2009 if successful, the bill would limit the sale of ammunition to no more than 50 rounds per month per person. The purchaser is required to apply for an ammunition permit costing 50, and is subjected to a $3 transaction tax for each purchase. The purchaser is furthermore required to document the transaction and register into a database the type of ammunition and quantity purchased, in addition to the buyer's personal information, including but not limited to the driver's license number and Social Security number. The bill mandates that ammunition dealers store ammunition behind the counter, or otherwise restrict access by customers.
Future legal action
California gun owners and numerous firearm enthusiast groups, upset by legislation they consider unconstitutional and tantamount to a restriction of federal Second Amendment rights, have begun consolidating legal elements towards a case against the state of California. Basis cited for such action include the legal precedent set in a 1983 Supreme Court ruling concerning the taxation of ink as a suppression of federal First Amendment rights.
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