8th coming

"The 8th Coming" is a term that Lamech E. Donaldson coined for the book "The Theory of XY", to direct planetary attention to the Earth's changes. His book describes our on going Earth changes as the 8th return of the cyclic event which our planet experiences every 13,000 years or so. The Mayans recorded this in their calendar and cosmology and now it has become well acknowledged through many books such as "Cosmology 2012" by John Major Jenkins. "The 8th Coming" is being marketed as a Term to connect people to the knowledge that - we have gone through this seven times before - but this time we can make a profound difference in improving our outcome as a planet. We can avoid regressing into taking another 13,000 years to know and understand what we do now. The term is a catch phrase originating on April 7th 2011, that is easy to remember and references our greatest recurring Event. The "8th Coming" will now surface into common language and become widely used because the time has arrived to remember "we are a planetary people responsible for our ultimate evolution and survival".
is the first and original public source reference of this term as I have posted it here after copywriting it to my webpage. www.soterion-llc.com
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