6 star rank

An officer of 6 star rank is an extremely senior commander; In most countries no rank this high has ever existed. It has no official NATO rank code, but is sometimes described as OF-11 or OF-12. Where it exists, it is the highest possible rank.

United States

Only one person, George Dewey, has unambiguously held six star rank.


It is unclear whether John J. Pershing should be considered as having been promoted to six star rank.

There were several proposals to promote Douglas MacArthur to six star rank, but none proceded to completion, for various reasons.


George Dewey was promoted to the six star rank of Admiral of the Navy on March 24, 1903, retroactive to March 2, 1899.

Other services

No other services have a six star rank.

Other countries

No other country has had a person serving at six star level, however supreme commanders and politicians have used the titles of Generalissimo and Grand Marshal, which may be considered ceremonial six star ranks.
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