6-plus-6-instruments are chromatic musical instruments. Their keys or cords are in two rows. In each row the tone distance is a whole-tone distance. The distance between both rows is a half-tone distance. So there is the same fingering in all 6 scales where the base tone is in the same row. If there is a third row, which is a repetition of the first row, there is the same fingering in all 12 scales, e. g. on a piano with a Jankó keyboard. The 6-plus-6-system is the base of the musical princip of Johannes Beyreuther. The following 6-plus-6-instruments are known: Keyboard instruments *Piano with the keyboard of Alfred Gould and Cyrus Marsh *Piano with the Jankó keyboard *Uniform Keyboard Accordion of John H. Reuther String instruments *Chromatic dulcimer *Chromatic harp Percussion instruments *Glockenspiel *Vibraphone *Xylophone Wind instruments * Melodica * Pan pipe Electric instruments * The Japanese electronic keyboard Chromatone Instruments with a shifted 6-plus-6-system The distance of both rows of these instruments are at least in one direction more than a half tone. * Hayden-Duet-Concertina: Also here is the same fingering at all scales.