2019 Belgian F-16 crash

The 2019 Belgian F-16 crash was an incident when a Belgian F-16B jet took off in Belgium with a mission going to Lorient. However it crashed before it reached the city.
On the morning of 19 September 2019, a Belgian F-16B jet took off in Florennes, Belgium. The jetfighter had the mission to go to the airbase at Lorient as a practice flight. After a one-hour-and-eight-minute flight, the pilots had (for unknown reasons) problems with the engine. One of the crewmen tried to restart the engine. At 10:33 the Belgian defence received emergency warnings of the use of both ejection seats. According to an eyewitness at the RTBF before the crewmen used their ejection there was a big flame following thick black smoke was coming out the plane. Soon after the aircraft flew above the ground, Local media claims he died at that moment, this was denied and it was later comfirmed that the pilot was still alive. After they left the jet hit (with one of its wings) at least one house's roof and facade in Pluvigner east of Lorient at 10:38 local time, it crashed from the house into the neighbouring farm field. Both explosions caused a fire which destroyed or damaged a garden, a shed, some trees and parts of a maize field. 40 firefighters, 20 rescue vehicles, a Hawkeye aeroplane and an NH90 helicopter were deployed. At 11:15 the crisiscel was established and a no fly zone of en high, and a 500-metre security perimeter were set up. Eight houses with their 15 residents were evacuated. At 11:45 the Belgian Air Component confirms the incident.
After the crash, the investigations were started by the French Police, The next morning a road to Landaul was re-opened. A couple hours later the 500-metre security perimeter was halved to
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