1997 United Kingdom heat wave

The 1997 United Kingdom Heatwave was a period of unusually hot weather that affected the United Kingdom primarily in August. Whilst there were some hot days in the month of August, the month is generally remembered for its 'high minima and unpleasantly humid nights'. Overall, the highest temperature achieved in the month of August was in Worcester on the 10th. Despite the month being hot across the United Kingdom, rainfall totals weren't especially low as was the case with the 1995 heat wave.
Overall, in the Central England region, it was the second hottest August on record with a mean temperature of . The only other August to beat this was 1995. However, in Eastern England it was the hottest on record, where there were 19 consecutive days where the temperature reached .
The month differed from the hot August of 1995 which was hot and very dry. August 1997 was drier than average of Northern England, Northern Ireland and Scotland where generally 50-75% of average rainfall was recorded. However, for Southern England, especially the South West it was a very wet month with some places recording 200% of the average August rainfall. It was notably wet in the South West on the 30th. Cardiff recorded on that day.<ref name="trevorharley.com"/>
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