1 Way Hacker Siopat Suhu, Inc. ("1 Hacker Way Siopat Suhu Network") is a privately owned information security company based in Pematangsiantar, Indonesia. History 1 Way Hacker Siopat Suhu was founded in 2014 by Tommy Jonathan Sinaga (CEO) & Frengky Ardian Batubara (CEO) and was inaugurated in December 2020 in Pematangsiantar. At the beginning of the formation of this company in 2014, Tommy Jonathan Sinaga collaborated with Frengky Ardian Batubara in carrying out a well-intentioned action called White Hat Hackers which was uploaded in December 2014.<ref name"1 Hacker Way Siopat Suhu"/> The action they took was hacking 1,425 fake facebook accounts that spread hoaxes in 2014 when the president of Indonesia election, Joko Widodo. This they do so that there is no controversy on social media, especially Facebook.<ref name"1 Hacker Way Siopat Suhu"/>