Zobedja Zick

Zobedja Zick, or Zob as Greta calls him is a fictional character in TV series Monster Allergy. He is Zick's father and husband of Greta. He is voiced by

Zob is a monster tamer. Prior to the series, he was shrunk when he used all of his energies on Magnacat. Greta was forced to hide him from Zick after that event, which it became an explanation for his disappearance. He resurfaced in The Ancienrt Armory where he is reunited with his son, Zick. Zob was later returned to his original size in Mugalak!.

Zob has Zick as his son and Greta as his wife.

His relationship with Greta is quite good. She helped him hide from Zick after he was shrunk. She then reunite him with Zick. His relationship with Zick is best. They fought monsters together.

Like his son, he is a monster tamer. He zaps energy beams from his hands with a dom sign.
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