
ZeoSync is a company that in 2002 announced a lossless data compression product they claimed could achieve a compression ratio of 100:1 on random data. If true, this would have exceeded the Shannon limit—an established principle of information theory held true since 1948. The technology was never demonstrated, and the company's website disappeared a few months later.
Though Zeosync's claims were ridiculed on Usenet [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.compression/search?groupcomp.compression&qzeosync&qt_g=Search+this+group] and Slashdot , the naming of several well-known mathematicians on their staff generated interest. Fields Medal winner Steve Smale was listed as a consultant, though Smale quickly distanced himself from the project by stating that he'd only spent "one hour" on the project and was "in no position to say anything about these claims."
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