Young Britons for Liberty

Young Britons for Liberty (YBL) is a political organisation that was formed in 2016, initially as 'Young Liberty UK' . They focus on educating their peers about various topics including classical liberal and libertarian values. They promote what they call a traditional British concept of liberty, based on the writings of Locke, John Stuart Mill and Hayek, and a concept of individual rights that led to Magna Carta, as well as secularism, tolerance, private property rights, free market economics, and the non-aggression principle.
YBL Chapters and Societies
Beginning in 2016, the association initiated a programme to create localised "YBL Regional Chapters" across the 12 UK regions, as well promote the formation of affiliated societies at universities throughout the United Kingdom.
NUS disaffiliation
They emphasise on a campaign for freedom of expression on campus and for disaffiliation from the National Union of Students, being advocates of the NUScape campaign.
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