Yogi Marlon

About Yogi Marlon
Yogi Marlon blends Hatha, Raja, Laya, Kriya, Swara, Jana and Tantra Yoga techniques often into a single yoga practice. She draws upon a wealth of techniques including utilizing asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises), bandha (energy control), mudra (gesture), mantra (consciousness awakening syllable), yantra (graphic depiction of divinity) and meditation. All of these yoga techniques are claimed to combine to work with spiritual, mind-body energies to reduce stress, detoxify and regenerate the body, reverse aging, eliminate disease, focus and clarify the mind, and gently remove emotional scars (samscaras) held in the body. The result is a sense of manageability, well-being, and contentment in life.

ABC featured Yogi Marlon in Eye on L.A., a magazine program, highlighting her knowledge of yoga studies and her expertise as a holistic living consultant. The Writers Guild of America has registered 7 treatments for TV shows created by Yogi Marlon. As creator, producer and star of the show "Yoga Time with Marlon" her yoga instruction has aired on cable TV, reaching up to 11 million households weekly. Her company, Shiva Entertainment, is currently developing a cable TV show on organic cuisine and another on holistic living. Additionally, Yogi Marlon is in communication with Richmond Studios of Richmond, United Kingdom to produce a children's yoga DVD in Myanmar.

DVD Series
The Ask Yogi Marlon video series was enhanced and expanded for a DVD release in 2003—and has sold over 650,000 copies internationally at outlets such as Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City, and on-line at Amazon, eBay and AskYogiMarlon.com. The release of the latest DVD, Yoga for Couch Potatoes, is designed to address pandemic obesity rates, providing an exercise routine for the overweight consumer. Using traditional ayurveda and modern science, Yogi Marlon teaches how to embrace a holistic lifestyle.
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