YetiForce CRM

YetiForce CRM is an open source Customer Relationship Management software that was originally forked from Vtiger CRM. It is dedicated for large and medium-sized companies. YetiForce is headquartered in Warsaw, Poland.
YetiForce is licensed under YetiForce Public License 1.1 which means that source code is accessible to everyone and it can be downloaded, modified, copied, analyzed, developed and customized. There are no time limits to use the software.
* Over 80 user modules
* Nearly 100 configuration panels
* Responsive menu
* Easy-to-use and modern User Interface
* Intuitive navigation
* Time Control
* Logistics and Accounting modules
* Customer Portal
* Dashboard
* Advanced Roles and Permissions system
* Customization
* E-mail client - Roundcube
* 5 languages: English, Polish, French, Russian, German
* Integration with LDAP, DAV and PBXManager
YetiForce provides two types of support - free, available by reporting an issue in GitHub repository; and paid support, available in the form of support packages sold in the store.
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