Yerlan Baidaulet

Yerlan Baidaulet (born 7 August 1970) is a Kazakh financier who's currently the Director General of Islamic Organization for Food Security.
He graduated from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 1992, KIMEP University in 1997. In 1993 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in Political Economy at Economic Institute of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences. Postgraduate program MAPOW, St.Gallen University (Certificate with the internship in Credit Suisse) - 1993-1994, Switzerland.
* 1993-1994 - Administration of Talgar town, Assistant to the Governor.
* 1994-2000 - Consultancy/management positions at local private companies (JSC Alemsystem, JSC EximBank, Swiss-Kazakhstan Economic Development Center Ltd., IMPEX International, ProfitInvest Ltd.)
* 2001-2005 - IDB Group, Field Representative in Kazakhstan.
* 2005-2006 - JSC State Company Engineering and Technology Transfer Center (ETTC), President.
* 2006-2010 - Eurasian Development Bank, the Head of Representative Office in Astana.
* 2010-2019 - Ministry of Investments and Development of Kazakhstan, Adviser (out of staff) to the Minister (in charge of cooperation with OIC MCs), duties included: JSC KAZNEX INVEST (2010-2016) (managing director, Special Representative on Cooperation with IDB), IDB Executive Director in charge of 7 IDB member countries (2011-2014), Acting IDB Governor (for 39th and 41st IDB Annual Meetings (Mozambique/Indonesia), Ministerial Special Envoy for Industrial Goods Exports to OIC MCs, JSC KazGeology, Advisor.
* November 2018 - April 2019 - The Experts Council by the Security Council of Kazakhstan, the Senior Expert on Food Security.
* May 2019 - August 2019 - Acting Director-General, Islamic Organization for Food Security by OIC.
* September 2019 - currently - Director General, Islamic Organization for Food Security.
Public Activities
* Chairman of the Association for Islamic Finance Development (2010-2015)
* Head of the Organizing Committee on the Kazakh Islamic Finance Conference (2010-2014).
* Co-chair of the Interministerial Task Force on Drafting and Implementing of the Road Map on Islamic Finance Development until 2020 (2011-2017).
* Advisor on Islamic Finance to the President, International Association of Islamic Business IAIB (Moscow (2018-2019)/Chairman of the Board, IAIB-Kazakhstan (2018-2019).
* Global Islamic Finance Special Prize 2015 (Leadership Role) for the contribution to the development of the global Islamic Finance industry (awarded in Bahrain by GIFA UK Committee).
* Articles on Islamic Finance (Business Islamica (No.7, 2010), Global IF Report 2011 (UK), Willey's World Islamic Finance Handbook 2014 (RedMoney Group, KL), interviews for Thompson Reuters, Bloomberg, and Kazakh mass-media.
* Books: Basics of the Islamic (Ethical) finance, 2010 (published in Russian, Kazakh, and Uzbek), Islamic Finance: theory, practice, regulatory issues, 2016.
* Director-General
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