
YakityChat is the only chat server currently available for general download written in the Pike programming language.
YakityChat is Open Source and currently provides the chat server and inbuilt client software.
It is currently a plug and play software for Roxen WebServer 5, novice webmasters can have a server running without knowing more than simple Unix shell commands, which can be copy pasted from the installation guide.
The software is unique in that is uses persistent streaming TCP/IP connections and client side message rendering. This is available via a new protocol - currently working name is PPP. The protocol does not use Long Polling like the Bayeux protocol, but emulates persistent connections in javascript.
It is also unlike most other widely used chat systems because the server is message agnostic.
For example. A Jabber server will parse every message for valid XML. The YakityChat PPP server simply hands on the binary data to connected clients.
A software developer is free to develop any number of clients to receive messages distributed by the PPP server.
And because the server is not doing a lot of message parsing, it is designed to scale to usage load levels not seen in any other message parsing server currently available.
However, the flexibility also provides for gateways to other server protocols.
The messages are handled as Binary which also means as browser technology starting at html5 catches up, native video and/or file transfers will simply be routed from client to client.
The license is BSD & GPL.
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