XL Airways Flight 237

XL Airways Flight 237 is a scheduled passenger flight between Kos, Greece and Manchester. On July 27, 2008 the aircraft, a Boeing 737-900 with 214 people on board, made an unscheduled emergency stop in Frankfurt because two female British passengers were threatening the safety of the aircraft.

The pair had become drunk on the flight and were refused more alcohol. They became loud and began swearing, and were asked by a family with young children to not use such language before the kids. They refused. One slapped a woman. One tried to light a cigarette and was stopped. The pilot anounced that unless they stopped their behaivour they would stop in Serbia and that "the poilice aren't very nice in Serbia."

This inflamed them further and after one tried to open a door at 30,000 feet to "get some fresh air" an emergency was declared and the plane diverted to Frankfurt where the women were detained. The plane then completed its flight to Manchester.

XL Airways are considering legal action against the women.
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