Xavier Adsera

Xavier Adsera (Tarragona, Spain, 1963) is a Spanish enterpreneur. Currently founding partner of London-based ADEQUITA Capital LTD.
Xavier Adsera co-founded the independent Spanish investment bank Grupo Financiero Riva y Garcia in 1992, where he was the CEO and head of Corporate Finance until 2005.
Between 2005 and 2011, Xavier Adserà served as Chairman of Natraceutical, a biotechnology multinational based in Spain specialized in research and development of functional and active ingredients, as well as nutritional supplements. The company is listed in the Spanish Stock Exchange since 2002 and currently operates under the name Reig Jofre. Additionally, he was a relevant shareholder and member of the Board of Directors of its also listed parent company, Natra, one of the main international players in the private label chocolate industry.
During 2006 and 2011, Xavier reconciled his responsibilities at Natra-Natraceutical with the presidency of the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts (IEAF) as well as its Foundation of Financial Studies (FEF).
In March 2013, Xavier joined Vermonte as CEO. Veremonte was the promoter of BCN World, a recreation and tourism mega complex placed in Tarragona (Spain), as well as Formula-E, the full-electric Formula 1 championship.
Since May 2015, founding partner of ADEQUITA Capital LTD, headquartered in London.
Xavier Adsera is the author of the book “Principles of Corporate Valuation” (“Principios de Valoración de Empresas” - Ediciones Deusto, 1998) and other several research studies on financial analysis, as well as being a frequent collaborator of numerous specialized financial markets publications and magazines.
Among all his publications, to highlight his article published on the Financial Analysts Journal “FEVA: A Financial and Economic Approach to Valuation” (March-April 2003).
Xavier Adsera has got a bachelor's degree in Business by ESADE (Barcelona, Spain) and Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña (Barcelona, Spain), as well as an MBA by ESADE. He has taken part in several courses and Ph.D. programs at Harvard Business School, Sloan School of Management (MIT, Boston) and Stern (New York University).
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