X Flag Football

X Flag Football

X Flag Football is a player created and run Flag Football league in Southern California. The creators are at every game to ensure the players are as happy as possible and the games are as fair as possible. Each game is monitored by two professionally trained and dressed referees and statistics are recorded by seasoned stat keepers.

X Flag Football Rules

In X Flag Football the games consist of two 20 minute halves. Games are played on fields that are 60 yards by 30 yards with two 10 yard deep endzones. Field markers are set at mid-field (30 yard line), the ten yard lines, and each endzone. Teams consist of up to 12 players on the roster, with a minumum of 4 and maximum of 5 players on the field. Touchdowns are worth 6 points and extra points can be 1 (from 5 yards) or 2 (from 10 yards) points. Safties are worth 2 points.

About the Founders

Five experienced flag football players who became tired of the existing leagues joined together in the summer of 2007 to create a league "by the Players, for the Players," (). As current players the creators are aware of the wants and needs of flag football teams and strive to make X Flag Football the most enjoyable experience flag football can be.

XFF Mission Statement

"X Flag Football is committed to providing a year round, organized flag football league for its players. XFF will provide a suitable environment for the players, their friends, and family who attend the games. XFF respects its players and their viewpoints. We will not censor, condemn, or discourage anyone from expressing their ideas and comments as long as they are presented in good taste."


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