
The X-Bike is a stationary bike with lateral moving handle bars (X-Bars) that replicate the motion of riding a real bike.
The X-Bars handlebar mechanism, allows riders to engage the upper body and core musculature along with the legs and cardiovascular systems delivering a total-body workout, providing substantially improved training benefits while bringing the natural body movements and rhythm of outdoor cycling indoors.
The handlebar movement also promotes improved balance and coordination functions further enhancing the benefits the X-Bike can offer when used in Personal Training Programs, Strength/Cardio Circuit Training or just pure calorie-burning workouts.
The X-Biking training programme completes the ride experience. Users love the fun, natural and total-body low-impact workout delivered; giving them the most time efficient, effective and functional workout or warm up possible. Anyone who enjoys cycling loves the "true to cycling feel" and that it allows users to stand and climb, sprint, turn, coast and even shift naturally, as if you were riding a bicycle outdoors.
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