World Constitution and Parliament Association

The World Constitution and Parliament Association was established in 1958 by Professor Philip Isely and his wife Margaret Isely of Denver, Colorado, USA, to create a Constitution for a Federation of Earth and to promote democratic world government under that Constitution.
It was soon joined by Dr. Terence Amerasinghe and Dr. Reinhart Ruge, who became Co-Presidents. The organization has grown into a worldwide movement since that time, with chapters today in many countries involving many thousands of citizens around the world.
In addition, thousands more have registered as delegates for Provisional World Parliaments organized by WCPA and have declared themselves as personal ratifiers of the Earth Constitution.

Response from the Global Communication Coordinator- WCPA HQ
This criticism that the Earth Constitution has been drawn up without consultation or election is factually (by record) incorrect. However, and by record, The representatives from global election districts and members have been participating in the deliberations of Provisional World Parliament sessions.
For details see BRIEF HISTORY OF WCPA on
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