WordSmith Records

WordSmith Records is a independent record label based in Marion, Illinois. Founded by Director James Arthur Smith IV in 2008, the label continues to provide many musicians worldwide a chance at getting their music recorded and noticed by everyone. The label provides this opportunity by signing new artists and bands to a recording contract. In addition, the company makes it a goal to keep music alive and strives for new methods to sell and distribute free music for artists.The nationwide music scene depends on companies like this and others in order to help get music to new and existing listeners. This is one of the main reasons that the Southern Illinois music scene and other states music is thriving.
Charity work
WordSmith Records has contributed to charitable events by providing music bands and sound systems for the occasion. The company provided entertainment for the Veterans Hospital in Illinois and has been involved in several benefits to help communities and individuals alike.
* SIN-ical
* Stainless Soul
* Necro Factory
* Red Hot Gumbo
* Whiskey Giants
* Mr. Rabbit Says
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