Wild Cactus

Wild Cactus is a 1993 thriller/erotic film directed by Jag Mundhra. It was released direct to video on 24 March 1993 and stars Gary Hudson, David Naughton, and India Allen.
Philip (David Naughton) and Alexandria (India Allen) are a married couple that have decided to spend their vacation at a friend's house in the Arizona desert. Their marriage has hit a rough patch due to Philip's work, which has monopolized his time and left Alexandra feeling lonely. She's dismayed when she finds that Philip is still too busy to pay attention to her and pushes him to go to a night bar.
Once there the two quickly run into some trouble with a biker, but are saved from harm by Randall (Gary Hudson) and Maggie (Michelle Moffett). They give the two a ride to a trailer park, unaware that Randall is there to get revenge against his ex-girlfriend Celeste (Kathy Shower), who sent him to jail, and that Maggie is a prostitute that Randall has brought along by force. Randall manages to break into the trailer, which terrifies Celeste. Despite his assurances that he is not there to harm her, Randall forces Maggie to kill Celeste.
The following morning the two arrive at Alexandria and Philip's vacation home, as Randall had promised to help Philip look for plants for his job. The two men leave to look for plants, only for Randall to push Philip off a cliff. Believing the man to be dead, Randall drives off, unaware that Philip survived and has begun walking back in order to rescue his wife. Meanwhile back at the house Alexandria has grown increasingly suspicious that Maggie is a wanted criminal and at one point tried to call the police, but was interrupted by Maggie. When Randall returns without Philip Alexandria tries to turn the couple against one another by engaging them in a ménage à trois.
On his way back to the house Philip finds his way to Celeste's trailer park and discovers her dead body. Soon after he is found by the town sheriff, who takes Philip back to the vacation house after hearing his story. They arrive at the house and sneak into the house in an attempt to save Alexandria. Maggie, who had decided that she was no longer going to follow Randall, is accidentally shot by the sheriff, who is then killed by Randall. Randall then tries to chase after Alexandria, only for her to later turn the tables on him and shoot him. Finally safe, Philip and Alexandria embrace.
* David Naughton as Philip
* India Allen as Alex
* Gary Hudson as Randall
* Michelle Moffett as Maggie
* Anna Karin as Inga
* Kathy Shower as Celeste
* David Wells as The Salesman
TV Guide panned the film for its lack of plot and wrote "Director Jag Mundhra made one of the better direct-to-video sex thrillers, NIGHT EYES, in 1990, but never learned the lesson that a good script is the best aphrodisiac." Allmovie also rated the film poorly and gave it one star.
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