Whiskey Straight Whiskey

A Whiskey-Straight-Whiskey is a shot of room temperature whiskey followed directly by a shot of chilled whiskey. Normally the whiskey of choice is Jeremiah Weed It was developed one late night by Air Force members in Minot North Dakota at a local establishment known as Sports on Tap. It was developed by two gentlemen and was later researched and refined into an operation product several moments later. One video of the first whiskey-straight-whiskey is known to exist on a patrons cellular telephone device known only as "Bubba". Thus the drink known as the whiskey-straight-whiskey was brought to life and its effects confirmed through human study. It was truly unprecedented in how quickly it was conceived, researched, developed, and ultimately deployed. This was certainly a feat not for the faint of heart. The whiskey-straight-whiskey was visioned to come in several later developed hybrid types. All but one were discontinued after research found them unsuitable for mass consumption and deployment. Further more, the hybrids were never actually made in any form other than in research and development paper reports. The classification of thier true and actual chemical makeup is still a closely gaurded secret. The sole project was known as the Firehouse. Other than the name, no other information has been divulged about the two hybrids. However, none have become so great, so glorified, and so widely respected as the original.

The Boiler Room Concept
Shortly after the development and subsequent deployment of the Whiskey-Straight-Whiskey came the development of its evolutionary predecessor known as the Boiler Room. It was conceived in the very drunken fashion the original was. The boiler room was similar to the original. It took the original concept of one room temperature shot, typically of Jeremiah Weed, another chilled shot, followed by a near boiling hot water chaser. The drink found great favor through the bandwagon and other common peer pressure types. It is currently in deployment though a rarity these days.
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