Western Iraq

Western Iraq includes Anbar and southern Nineveh.
It borders Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia
The major cities are Mosul, Fallujah, Ramadi, Hit, and .
Al-Anbar Governorate
Al-Anbar is the vast majority of western Iraq. Around 90 percent of Anbar are Sunni Arabs, and the other 10 percent are Christian Assyrians. The population of Anbar is 2 million, 620,480 in Ramadi, 590,350 in Fallujah, 44,270 in Khalidiya, 120,400 in Hit, 180,640 in , 49,000 in Rutba, 107,000 in Haditha, 40,000 in Anah, and 30,000 in Rawa.
Nineveh Governorate
The parts of Nineveh Governorate that are a part of western Iraq are Al-Ba'aj District and Hatra District, both of them are populated by Sunni Arabs.
Geography and climate
Western Iraq is entirely desert with a Hot desert climate.
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