Warm Blankets Orphan Care International

General information

Warm Blankets Orphan Care is a Christian charity that works to rescue orphans in third world countries through establishing and supporting church-based Family Homes.

Orphan Care Model

Every home shares a building with a local Christian church. Orphans live on the top level with the caregivers, while the ground level is where the church and community meet. Each home has the capacity to house about 40 children. The leaders are all indigenous people, which helps to prevent the assimilation that can often occur with "western" missionaries. Some examples of their orphan homes can be found here: http://www.warmblankets.org/home_pictures/gallery.asp

Widows are the principal caregivers in each orphan care facility. The organization intends to help orphans and widows simultaneously, as they can relate emotionally and psychologically over their losses. The staff ratio is one caregiver for every five children. Their focus on orphans and widows is based upon James 1:27 and other biblical verses.

Other Major Programs

This organization is also involved in anti-trafficking efforts , as orphans are often targeted to work in the child sex industry or in sweat shop factories.


Warm Blankets Orphan Care International has over 140 homes total in Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and have recently expanded into Kenya, Ethiopia, and Sudan. Their main office is located in Rolling Meadows, IL.

Fiscal Responsibility

Warm Blankets Orphan Care International uses unbiased third parties to review their financial information such as ECFA and Charity Navigator . All money allotted to orphan care is used for orphan care.
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