Wall Street Ren

The Wall Street Ren is a non-profit and non-partisan group of Chinese Wall Street professionals. WSR is a non-profit in the United States, and had 412 members in 2006. More than 75% are managing directors, partners, and chiefs in various firms on Wall Street.
According to the WSR website, their mission is "to be... a resource for all people and groups seeking to expand their knowledge of the state of financial relations between the U.S. and China", while "striv to bridge the gap between theory and practice, encouraging China's continued integration into the global financial market". Composed largely of academics and professionals, WSR states diversity of its members as one of its primary goals, with a requirement that they are all involved with the financial sector in one form or another. They bring speakers from many different sectors to their events, and bring together policy makers and industry leaders for roundtable-style discussions.
Educational program
Wall Street Ren's education program seeks to expand teaching and learning about China. This program presents research findings and analysis in order to improve understanding of China and its financial market in the United States.
According to a 2007 Committee of 100 poll conducted in China and the United States, Americans and Chinese wish to learn from each other, while recognizing the potential for mutual benefit; both American and Chinese businessmen share an "optimistic outlook on China's economic future".
With recent emphasis on China-U.S. relations, the economic climate calls for such a program that will allow for a better understanding on how to maintain and further these harmonious relations. WSR works to acquaint the American people and their financial leaders with the changing face of Greater China, showing how the two can work together to improve the financial world and open the Chinese capital markets. The defining maxim of their educational program is listed as "a more open China is a more successful world".
Business program
The goal of the Business Program at Wall Street Ren is to broaden understanding of the dynamic U.S.-China business relationship. The WSR's Business Programs department organizes programs throughout the United States and China including:
* Conferences
* Panel Discussions
* Briefings
* Symposia
* Study missions
All of these bring together and create an extraordinary community of policymakers, corporate executives, nongovernmental organization (NGO) leaders, scholars and the media to respond to fast-breaking events and important trends in China.
*Terence Lim, Andrew W. Lo. The Derivative Source Book
*George Yuan: Economies and Variational Inequalities
*Yi Tang, Goldman Sachs: Quantitative Analysis, Trading Strategies
*Steven Zhu. Counterparty Credit Risk Modeling
*Wai Lee. Theory & Meth Of Tactical Asset Allocation
*Steven Zhu. The Basel Handbook (2nd Edition)
*XiongWei Ju. Innovations in Risk Management, Chapter 8
*Wai Lee. Harvard Business Online
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