Walid Haddad

Walid Jean Haddad (born 18 March 1986 in Paris), is a French part-time music composer. His principal instrument is the guitar (electric and acoustic), but Walid is also a pianist and keyboardist.
He composed with Paul Tyan for Cheers, to Those Who Stay., a Lebanese short film by Cyril Aris and Mounia Akl who holds the Award of Merit at the Los Angeles Film Festival of Hollywood. as well as the Honorable mention at the Los Angeles Movie Awards.
Moreover, he contributed in compositions for some episodes of Beirut I Love You, a Lebanese TV/Web serie on the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation.
He is member of a band The Big Apple Jam Project founded with Paul Tyan. He likes performing during the Famous Monday Blues Jam in a London blues bar called Ain't Nothing but Blues Bar.
Walid works for a financial firm in Paris, and is specialized in Market Finance. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Econometrics from Panthéon-Assas University as well as a Master's degree in Economics and Financial Engineering at Paris Dauphine University.
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