Virtual Families 2

Virtual Families 2 is a free stimulation game for Apple products created by the game company Last Day of Work (LDW). It was released on December 6, 2012 for iPad, iPhone, and iPod. It is considered a sequel to LDW's previous game titled Virtual Families.
The game begins with the player selecting a premade character to start the game with. The characters can be male or female, and they typically range from ages 21 to 29. They have different careers, which are either a level one (lowest level) or level 2 (second lowest level). Each character has unique likes dislikes, opinions on children, and career choices.
Once the player selects a little person, the game will begin. The selected character will be in a large house with few usable rooms. The only rooms that are usable will be the kitchen, bathroom, office, workshop, front hall, yard, and part of the front porch. An onscreen tutorial will explain how to move the characters around and perform various tasks.
Soon, a little yellow envelope will show up on the top right corner of the screen, indicating a new email. The player then should drag the character to the computer, and they will have to accept or decline an incoming marriage proposal. Once a character is married, they can try to have children by dragging one spouse character onto the other. They may have up to six children.
Characters will level up in their jobs over time. A promotion makes the character happier and raises their salary. How fast a character is promoted depends on how often they work. Characters can be encourages to work more if the player "praises" them for working.
Once characters get to be 45 years old, their hair will turn gray, and they won't move as quickly. They will also become less fertile as they age. A character will die around age 60. Once one or both parents die, the player has the option of passing the house down to a child from the next generation. If the family has no children, the game will start over.
The house may be renovated over time, using money that is either earned by the family or purchased with real money by the player. Upgrades include renovation for uninhabitable rooms, new furniture, pets, clothes, and other services.
Purchasing Coins
If a player wants to have more money than their virtual family is earning, they may purchase it using real money. Connection to the Internet is required to purchase more money, but is not required to play the game or purchase other items, such as furniture.
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