Vincent Trollet

Vincent Trollet is a French composer, sound artist and artistic director born in Pau.
He studied composition at the Conservatoire Régional de Paris, at the Haute École de Musique de Genève and at the IRCAM. Eminent teachers such as Edith Canat de Chizy, Michaël Jarrell, Luis Naon, Eric Daubresse, Régis Renouard Larivière followed him during his studies.
His work evolves from instrumental and electroacoustic music to the stage and exhibition space. He has composed for performance, visual arts and musical theater. His collaborations with artists of his generation, Vahram Zaryan, Milan Otal, Nathalie Gimbretière, Ismaël Tifouche Nieto, have given his research an impulse towards scenic and visual experimentation.
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