Vicecounty of Casa Romana

Vicecounty of Casa Romana is a noble title created for emperor Charles V of Spain for Cristobal Ruiz de Haro, Spanish conqueror and settler of the Tunja region who married with Mariana de Moyachoque legitimate heir of Zipa Tisquesusa.
Vicecounts of Casa Romana
* Cristóbal Ruiz de Haro, descendant of Diego López de Haro, Lord of Haro and his son Lope Díaz I de Haro, first Lord of Biscay. Spain - Tunja, century XVI. Captain arbalest of Spanish Army commanded by Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada, companion of Quesada, founder of Bogotá with Quesada. Knight commander, distinguished and discreet citizen of the aristocratic colonial society, , clerk of the Crown in the New Granada, Vicecount of Casa Romana. Married by the Catholic rite with Mariana de Moyachoque, Princess Muisca, older sister.
* Juan Diego Ruiz de Haro y Moyachoque. Prince of Muiscas, rightful heir to the Muisca Empire, encomendero. Lord by Royal Title. Vicecount of Casa Romana by Title of the Crown Philip II of Spain confirmation (actually subsidiary title from Marquisate of Santa Rosa). Coats of arms: The Casa de Haro and the Muisca Empire. Refined and discreet aristocrat of the time. He received his education from his father, mother and religious community. Married to a lady of society of Santa Fe. With agnatic and non-agnatic issue in Colombia, Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
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